The Independent Advisor's
Succession Plan
Posts Posts by: "AdvisorRETIRE"

Many small businesses run by families don’t survive the transition to the second generation. This is alarming, especially when you take into consideration all the work you put into building your business to its current level of success. Your children, spouse, and other family members who run your business with you are no doubt…(Read More)

Making the decision to leave your business to someone else is not an easy one. Where many elect to close a business completely, others have family who can take it over. And others have far too many valuable employees who depend on the financial success of the business and they feel obligated to keep the…(Read More)

If you own a successful financial advisory practice, you may have thought about creating a succession plan to prepare for retirement. The advisory business is much more sophisticated than it was a few years ago, and while making a succession plan may feel like a daunting task right now, it’s better for both you…(Read More)

What does one do when they own a practice or business and they want to retire? What happens to all of the hard-earned relationships that are built? Who continues to run the company? All of these questions can be solved when an organization addresses succession planning. This is the process whereby an organization ensures…(Read More)

Planning for your retirement is something that is often joked about lightly as if it will never actually happen, and then next thing you know you are finishing up your last day and you have a lifetime of work that has built up for you to pass on. As a financial advisor, you truly have…(Read More)

Being a financial advisor is no small feat. The team at advisorRETIRE™ is well aware of the various things that go into becoming a successful advisor, and what’s interesting is how often these correlate with why financial advisors are more likely to go through the succession planning process than other business owners. Below…(Read More)

In the years that advisorRETIRE™ has been in the field, we have seen plenty of financial advisors express interest in a succession plan. Some have moved forward with our help and allowed for us to provide them with a plan that they could feel confident in, while others felt that the more they learned…(Read More)

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